Monday, September 8, 2014

5 Things Required in a College Students Kitchen

When a student goes to college, especially when said student moves into an apartment, there are certain things that are essential for survival. While some students love to cook, not everyone does, and there are some things that make life easier for any college student, regardless of how they feel about cooking. So today I am looking at the 5 Things Required in a College Students Kitchen. I had a list in my mind but I decided to go to Facebook and ask my friends because hey, we're all a bunch of hungry college kids. So here is the list (not in any particular order) 1. A Coffee Pot/Maker: In my apartment we have a Keurig and we LOVE it. It is perfect for a house of a bunch of different people. It is a single serve coffee maker so I don't waste coffee by making a whole pot because I only make what I am going to drink. Another high point of it is that because of the ability to make only 1 cup at a time, you can make different types of coffee or drinks. Keurigs can make tea, hot chocolate, coffee or basically anything else. But in general, coffee is an important staple in a college student’s life. It is what keeps you going when you spend late nights studying or pinteresting.
2. George Foreman Grill: This is something that I haven't used that much in college but I have friends who use them all the time. They are beneficial if you want to make a quick grilled cheese sandwich or a burger, and most schools allow small George Foreman Grills in dorms. The best part; this little thing is quick to clean, because no one likes to clean a lot of dishes.

3. Microwave: A microwave might seem like a standard thing for an apartment but sometimes you don't realize a great thing until you are without it. Especially for students stuck in a dorm. It is the fastest way to cook something and it is in my opinion one of the most versatile things that you can have. I mean this thing can cook popcorn, defrost chicken, or make macaroni and cheese!
4. Crock-pot/Slow Cooker: Once the weather starts to cool off, and the fall semester is in full swing, nothing is better than being able to put something in a crock-pot in the morning and then go to class, come home and everything be ready to eat. That is the major benefit of a slow cooker. You can cook soup, a roast, or even a cake. And again, the convenience of a crock-pot is amazing.

**Tip for using one: invest in the crock-pot liners. They are about $2 at Wal-Mart and make clean up even easier!**

5. Food: Now this might really seem like a crazy thing to put on here because I mean you have to have food to eat, but that’s the problem. A lot of times people forget that food actually has to be bought to be eaten. Some of the foods that were mentioned by my friends were ravioli, chocolate, cereal, and peanut butter. (Well the peanut butter isn’t in my house, but everyone else has some).

And an extra one in honor of Justin and Andrew: drugs, the legal kind. Things like Advil or Tylenol, fiber pills, or Vitamin C powder. Things like this are important to keep you healthy during the stressful times and the changes in the seasons when everyone seems to get sick.

 So with that, what are some things that you think are important for a college student to have in their kitchen? What was your favorite thing in college to use to make/eat food? I would love to hear from you!

Stay Hungry my friends,

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