Graduation Bucket List

25 Things to do Before Graduation
(July 24, 2015)

1. Graduate
2. Graduate Summa Cum Laude
3. Decorate my graduation cap with something cool
4. Take a picture with T-Roy
5. Buy myself a graduation present
6. Get an internship
7. Learn HTML

8. Get organized
9. Go to a concert
10. Give blood
11. See the Air Force Band perform (10/13/14)
12. Read 5 books for fun (1. Hoda- 12/19/14)

13. Go to the gym for a week straight
14. Lose 15 lbs
15. Do a 5k (9/28/14)

16: Go someplace I have never been
17. Take a road trip with some of my sisters
18. Watch the sunrise somewhere pretty (campus, beach, anywhere)

19. Start saving money
20. Do a week no spend challenge

21. Cook 5 Family Recipes (while not at home)
22. Make a college scrapbook
23. Make a college t-shirt quilt
24. Stay up all night
25. Have a cool Halloween costume (10/31/14)

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