Friday, November 28, 2014

Blogger Challenge Catch Up

Well, I was doing really well, but Thanksgiving happened, and I didn't get anything posted yesterday, so today is a catch up day.

Day 7: 5 Favorite Songs

Well I have a bunch of different favorite songs, it just depends on my mood, but here are my top favorite songs right now.

Taylor Swifts- Shake It Off
I have liked T-Swift since she first started country, but I feel like the new pop version of her, is so much more her. And this song is just so catchy. I mean even the Boyfriend enjoys it! (Don't tell him I said that)

Martina McBride and Train- Marry Me
I just love this song. And this song is a great rendition of it, especially being a duet.

Cast of Wicked- Defying Gravity
Wicked is AH-MAZING! This has been one of my favorite musicals since I first heard the soundtrack in high school. When I saw this on stage, I cried. This song is just so powerful.

Straight No Chaser- 12 Days of Christmas

Christmas music is my favorite because it is so happy. Even when it is sad songs, it is happy. And now it is socially acceptable to listen to Christmas music all the time, I will. Straight No Chaser's takes such a classic song and puts a fun twist on it.

Frozen- In Summer
Olaf is such a funny Disney character, and he makes me happy (if you haven't caught on, I like happy things). So just listen to it and smile. I'm sure you have heard it before, I mean who hasn't seen, heard, or been bombarded with Frozen in the last year??

My 5 Current Goals- Well, I already have this typed out, but you can see them all in my Graduation Bucket List. I have about 7 months to finish all of this stuff. So wish me luck!

Stay Hungry my Friends and Merry Christmas!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Recipe | 30 DBC: Day 6

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I know technically it is tomorrow, but its okay. I am so excited that I am getting to spend the week with my boyfriend and his family in Florida. It is strange not being home because I have never been away from everyone for a holiday but it is great to be able to be with him and his family.

To make it feel a little more like home, I made a good, Southern dish, that is also one of his favorites, Corn Casserole.
I don't really know where this recipe came from it is just something that I have had for years and it is good because it is an easy recipe for any gathering. You can also make it the day before and then just put it in the oven for a few minutes right before you want to eat it and it is still good.

1 can whole kernel corn
1 can cream corn
1 stick of butter, melted
8 oz of sour cream
2 eggs
1 box jiffy cornbread mix
Cheese for toppings

Preheat the oven to 350
Mix all the ingredients (other than the cheese) together in a bowl.
Put the mixed ingredients in a greased casserole dish.
Cook for 20 minutes in the oven.
After 20 minutes, take it out, and sprinkle cheese on top of it. It will still be soupy at this point.
Put the casserole back in the oven for another 20 minutes.
Let cool and serve.

And for today's #30DBC it is the thing that I am afraid of.

  • Penauts
  • Crunchy cockroaches
  • Snakes
  • Not being successful
  • Running out of craft supplies when I want to craft
  • Loosing people I care about

These are all the things I can think of right now. But I don't like thinking about the things that scare me. I much prefer to look at the things that make me happy!

What is your favorite Thanksgiving recipe?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

30 DBC Day 5 | Proudest Moment

Hello there, when I was thinking of this post, it took some thought. I don't really know what my proudest moment would be.

Thinking about things that I have been through in my life, I guess one of my proudest moments would be my senior year of high school. It was a very exciting year, I got a full scholarship to Troy, got the John Phillips Sousa Award for band, and graduated college. I know that is not just one moment, but I don't really think I can narrow it down.

Again, sorry this is short, but I'm having a lot of fun with Alex at his parents house. But hey, I'm keeping up with it all!

Happy Thanksgiving

Monday, November 24, 2014

30 DBC | Day 4- Dream Job

Well, first off, I am pretty proud of my self for making it 4 days in a row blogging. But today's post is a bit difficult for me. Growing up I went through girl phases of wanting to be a princess, an artist, a teacher, a band teacher, things like that. Once I started really thinking about what I wanted to do with my life, I decided something in broadcast journalism. For the past few years, I have said I wanted to do television and be a news anchor or something like that, but the more I have been thinking, the more I am leaning towards doing radio.

There are more radio jobs out there because there are more radio stations than there are T.V. stations. Also, I like the idea of getting to interact with people on a daily basis and not necessarily covering hard news and tragedy all the time.

So I guess to answer the question today, it is to be a radio D.J. I have to intern during the summer before graduation, so maybe after that I will have a better idea of what I want to do. Who knows.

Oh and if all else fails, I'll just be a house wife. I could do that right? I think that would honestly be fantastic especially if I have small kids at the time.

But that is enough for that. I will post more later.
Stay Hungry my Friends,

Sunday, November 23, 2014

30DBC | Day 3: Favorite Quote

Day 3: Favorite Quote

Well I don't really have one favorite quote so you get a bunch of my favorites! (I have a board on Pinterest with over 400 quotes, but don't worry I won't post too many)

What is your favorite quotes?

Stay hungry my friends

Saturday, November 22, 2014

30DBC | Day 2: Facts About Me

Day 2: 20 Facts About You

Well this is always a hard thing for me because I have a hard time thinking of facts about me that I think are interesting. So some of these facts might be slightly boring, but here goes nothing.

  1. I am allergic to any form of nuts. I had my first reaction when I was nine months old and have had several reactions that have sent me to the hospital in my life. Unfortunately for me, it gets worse as I get older.  You can read more about it in an earlier blog post HERE.
  2. I was born with three kidneys. Yep, as a small child I had a lot of infections and the doctor decided there was something wrong with me...yeah I know, there is probably a lot wrong with me...but he did a test and discovered there was an abnormality. When I was 5 I had the extra one removed. No I did not sell it on the black market, no I didn't get to donate it. It was already dead and was killing off the good one. But it is a fun fact about me.
  3. As of right now, I have no idea what I want to do with my life. This is going to make day 4 of the blog challenge difficult but I honestly don't know. For the longest time I knew exactly what I wanted to do, but now I'm not so sure. But more on that later. 
  4. I play 5 instruments fairly well. I can play the piano, flute, piccolo, oboe and english horn. When I was 5 I started playing piano (apparently that was a big year for me), flute when I was in third grade, and oboe in high school. The english horn is my favorite and I get to play that and the oboe in symphony band at Troy. 
  5. Troy was the only school I applied to. My junior year of high school, I thought I was going to major in music education and broadcast journalism and I was talking to my band director and he suggested looking at his Alma Mater, Troy. So I started looking into, talked to some people who knew stuff about it and came for a campus visit. As soon as I came to campus I fell in love with it. I applied the summer before my senior year of high school, got accepted and got a full tuition scholarship my first day of my senior year. 
  6. I am a very "basic white girl". If you ask any of my friends, they will tell you. I am one of the most basic basic girls ever. I love peppermint mochas (pumpkin spice is okay too), I wear skinny jeans, boots and a vest quite regularly and I can't even. 
  7. I love Sigma Alpha Iota. SAI is a Greek music organization. We promote music in the community and also do social things, like formals and craft a lot. This past week we had our fall musicale which our president actually had filmed and put the whole thing on YouTube.

  8. I am uber excited to *hopefully* get a little in SAI next semester. We will start the training process for new Members In Training in the spring semester and I am up to get a little. I can not wait!
  9. I took 4 years of German. When I was in high school, my school offered Spanish, French, Latin and German and one of my best friends that was a year older than me suggested taking German like she did. Actually Hali threatened me if I took the "easy way" with Spanish she would disown me, so I took German. And I absolutely love it. Now that it has been several years, if you ask me to say anything or read anything German, I don't know how well it would go, but I would still love to go to Germany one day. 
  10. One day, I would love to be able to travel. I have been in the South, most of my life. The furthest I have traveled is to Colorado for a church trip and to Chicago for a family vacation one year. I would love to go to Europe one day and see all of the history that is there. I also want to travel to D.C. eventually. 
  11. Pinterest is my weakness. I really, really, really love Pinterest. I have 50 boards and almost 6,500 pins. It is my thing. Recipes and crafts are my weakness and that is what Pinterest is filled with. Oh, and wedding things. 
  12. I am not engaged yet, and I have a wedding board. Okay, so I technically have two wedding boards on Pinterest. Judge me if you want. But one is just cool ideas that I have seen and then one is things taht I actually want in my wedding one day. 
  13. Being on T.V. is fun. In the past almost four years, I have been on T.V. close to at least once a week. I have done everything on TrojanVision from producing the show to being the on-air anchor or weather person. 
  14. I love crafting. This is definitely something I get from my momma. Growing up she made me clothes and matching dresses for my dolls and art has always been my favorite class. Now I have a Silhouette Cameo, a giant bucket of paint, and a box full of canvases. If only I had enough time in the day to actually craft like I want, yeah that would be great. 
  15. Disney is amazing. I have no shame in admitting that I have a problem with Disney. If there was a Disney Anonymous, I would be there. But so would my friends. Because that is how we are. Hi everyone, I'm Felecia and I am a Disneyaholic. 
  16. Living in Alabama is actually very similar and very different from living in Georgia. Leaving one Southern state to go to another, has a lot of similarities and differences. 
  17. If I could monogram everything, I more than likely would. This goes back to number 6, being a basic white girl. But this is my mom's fault. She has an embroidery machine, so she is the enabler.
  18. This year I actually get to spend the holidays with Alex. In the last three years, we have had to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas separate, but this year we are going to each others houses. And I am sooooo excited!  
  19. I love Thanksgiving and Christmas because I get to cook and spend time with those that I love. Especially being off at school, I don't get to see my family much, so as I have gotten older, I have learned to appreciate the time I do get to spend with them. 
  20. Pink is my favorite color. I really am the stereotype of girly girl. Pink and sparkles. They just speak to me.

What are some strange facts about you?

Stay hungry my friends

Friday, November 21, 2014

30 Day Blog Challenge | Day 1

Well, my class that this blog was started for is officially over, but you can't get rid of me that easily. I have been trying to think of things to blog about, and I really want to try to blog everyday for a month straight. I found a 30 Day Blogging Challenge on Pinterest. So here goes nothing.

Day 1: Your Blog's Name

In case you missed it, the name of the blog is "A Taste of the College Life." I decided on this name because I didn't really know what I was going to be blogging about but thought I would do food and college life. I enjoy cooking and I'm a senior in college, so I know a few things about college. I also just thought it was really catchy :) The night I had to come up with the name for the blog, I literally sat around thought for about two hours trying to come up with a cool name.

What was the inspiration for your blog's name? I would love to hear from you!
Stay Hungry my Friends

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Thankful November Part 1

I am so glad that it is finally the weekend. This week has been completely insane, I can tell it is getting close to the end of the semester because everything is due at the same time. This past week I had two presentations and three essays due, but I got it all done and now I only have one other presentation to do this coming week and then, it is Thanksgiving break. We are halfway though November and I see people do on Facebook and things, the things they are thankful for everyday, well I am awful and never remember to do it at the beginning or to do it everyday. But I love this season, and I think it is important to take a break and think about the things we are thankful for. I am doing it now and then I want to do it again at the end of the month, but today I am doing my first 15 things I am thankful for.

1. God and my salvation
2. My family
3. Alex
4. My friends
5. Sigma Alpha Iota
6. TrojanVision
7. Warm Clothes
8. Coffee
9. Band

10. Music in general
11. My Dog

12. Troy University
13. My Silhouette
14. Relaxation
15. Food

If you want to join up, please do! Grab the button, link up, and link back to A Taste of the College Life.

A Taste of the College Life

<a href="" target="_self"><img src="][IMG] " alt="A Taste of the College Life" width="125" height="125" /></a>

I hope everyone has had a great start to the month of November and stay hungry my friends

Link Up with your Thankful thoughts for the beginning of November.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Dessert Round Up

Well we are a week past Halloween and I am anxiously awaiting the holidays to start. I love cooking for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Fun fact, this year is the first time since Alex and I started dating that we actually get to spend the holidays together, we are spending Thanksgiving with his family in Florida and Christmas with my family in Georgia. So with that being said, I can't wait to get to cook all sorts of food this year. One of my favorite things to cook for gatherings of families is desserts, that's why I have decided to do a Dessert Round Up this week. These are some desserts that look good and worth trying out. (Well, there are a few that have nus in them, but they still look good for everyone else, I just won't be trying them.)

I am trying to categorize them, and I will try and add to this list as I come across more recipes that look great.

Pumpkin or Sweet Potato

Other Things

I can't wait to have some free time and actually get to make some of them. If you have any recipes you want added to the list let me know. I am always on the hunt for good food.

Oh and if you haven't "Liked" A Taste of the College Life on Facebook, head over there now and like it for all the latest postings and everything else going on with the blog!

Stay hungry my friends,

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Thanksgiving: A Pit Stop to Christmas

I was talking to a friend the other day and she said that it already looked "like Christmas threw up in Pier 1...on November 3 and I am so confused on what holiday I'm suppose to celebrate next." This got me thinking, it seems like now a days Thanksgiving is a pit stop to Christmas. It usually marks around a month till the big gift giving day but instead of enjoying the time spent with friends or family, so many people are just in a hurry to get out and go shopping because they think that is the only way to show someone they care.

But I want to make this year different so here are my ways to not make Thanksgiving a pit stop for Christmas:

1. Remember what the day is about. 
The name should give you some clue as to what Thanksgiving is thanks. Now you don't have to sit around and go one by one of what you are thankful of, though that is always good, but just take a moment through out the day and reflect on what you have and appreciate your blessings.

2. Enjoy the food. 
Being from the South, food has a special place in my life. Holidays especially are full of casseroles and spreads that last for days after, but food anywhere has a special way of bringing people together. Regardless of if it is homemade of at a restaurant, enjoy the food you are eating.

3. Don't shop on Thanksgiving Day.
 Just please don't do it. I applaud the stores that are not opening on Thanksgiving this year. It has been said before but it is truly sad that so many people spend Thursday being thankful and then trample each other to get more stuff on Friday. In recent years it has gotten worse because people spend lunch on Thursday being thankful and then by dinner they are out shopping. There is a reason it is called Black Friday, not Black Thursday.

4. Don't rush to Christmas. 
So many stores and people rush through the year just to get to Christmas. I love Christmas music and and decorations but I don't want to decorate before Thanksgiving. I mean who really wants to see Christmas Trees and 4th of July decorations up at the same time?? So decorating in the  middle of July? Yeah right! Before Halloween? Nope, not happening. But Black Friday? Bring it on.
So this year, don't rush through Thanksgiving. Do some Christmas shopping before hand if you want (who wants to stress for a month anyway) but don't forget about the holiday between Halloween and Christmas.

Stay hungry my friends,